Program Plan

Program Objective Key Results / Indicator Strategies
Capability Building ·         To build and develop workforce in the prevention of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse ·         Beneficiaries trained in the basics of AIDS and drug abuse, counseling, care and support of persons with AIDS and drug victims.

·         Quality of services and care are delivered.

·         Organize and conduct training with action plan.

·         Monitor the effect of training.

·         Conduct follow up training for upgrading skills.

Advocacy ·         To deepen awareness of the target clientele on AIDS and drug abuse and other related issues including morality.

·         To establish linkage or alliances with other NGOs/GOs.

·         Aim at long term change of Behavior.

·         Beneficiaries are knowledgeable on facts, issues and basics of AIDS and drug abuse.

·         Attitude changed towards preventive health care.

·         Clientele learning to love self and fellowmen, shun risky practices and help protect others from infections.

·         Conduct research.

·         Production and distribution of IEC materials.

·         Organize educational message campaign using multi-channel approach.

·         Integration of drug abuse prevention with AIDS education considering that drug abuse impairs judgement and weakens resistance.


Direct Services ·         To improve quality of health and preventive care.

·         To impart oral values, dignity, love and respect of self and fellowmen.

·         Quality of services rendered are affordable, available and effective. ·         Establish/strengthen support services such as spiritual therapy, counselling and free condoms.

·         Establish referral system.